09 June 2006


«Again the last ebb
the dead shingle
the turning then the steps
toward the lighted town

my way is in the sand
flowing between the shingle and the dune
the summer rain rains on my life, on me
my life harrying fleeing
to its beginning to this end

my peace is there in the receding mist
when I may cease
from treading these long shifting thresholds
and live the space of a door
that opens and shuts

what would I do without this world faceless incurious
where to be lasts but an instant
where every instant spills in the void
the ignorance of having been without
this wave where in the end
body and shadow together are engulfed

what would I do without this silence where the murmurs die
the paintings the frenzies toward succour towards love
without this sky that soars
above it's ballast dust

what would I do what I did yesterday and the day before
peering out of my deadlight looking for another
wandering like me eddying far from all the living
in a convulsive space
among the voices voiceless
that throng my hiddenness

I would like my love to die
and the rain to be falling on the graveyard
and on me walking the streets
mourning the first and last to love me


Unknown said...

this is my favorite poem.... specially the last part: I would like my love to die
and the rain to be falling on the graveyard
and on me walking the streets
mourning the first and last to love me»....................

Anonymous said...

The last four lines are the poem; that's why you like them best. I don't know who wrote the preceding lines but it wasn't Beckett. And if it was so he was brilliant to cut those lines from the version published in the collected poems.

Sebastian Black said...

That's not true. Beckett Divided the poem into four part, in which
"I would like my love to die
and the rain to be falling on the graveyard
and on me walking the streets
mourning the first and last to love me"
is the last.